General Information
Full Name | Justin Dong |
Ph.D. - Applied Mathematics
Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island
M.Sc. - Applied Mathematics
Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island
B.A. - Computational and Applied Mathematics; B.S. Mechanical Engineering
Rice University, Houston, Texas
2023 - present
Postdoctoral Research Scholar
Center for Applied Scientific Computing, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA
- Analyzed time integration methods and physics couplings in Earth system models; high-order finite element methods; physics-informed machine learning for approximating PDEs.
2019 - present
Graduate Research Assistant
Division of Applied Mathematics, Brown University, RI
- Developed and analyzed neural network methods for approximating PDEs.
- Advisor - Mark Ainsworth.
Graduate Research Intern
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, WA
- Developed machine learning methods for learning particle stresses in suspension Poiseuille flows.
- Mentor - Amanda Howard.
Graduate Research Intern
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, CA
- Worked on the lab's RAJA (high-performance computing portability abstraction layer) and mint (mesh generation) libraries; produced application examples (discontinuous Galerkin methods for vacuum Maxwell's equations).
- Mentor - Arturo Vargas.
Honors and Awards
- National Science Foundation Gradaute Research Fellowship
Academic Interests
- Numerical Analysis
- Scientific Computing
- Scientific Machine Learning
Other Interests
- Hobbies: photography (see my photos here), hiking, growing houseplants (especially of the tropical variety)